Saturday, October 24, 2009

WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010

This week's DS on DS review is on WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010.

From the review: "Two years ago, the perennial Smackdown Vs. Raw was released for the first time on the Nintendo DS. That version solely used the touch screen to play the game through the usually dreaded Quick Time Events. The second iteration of the series on the DS used the d-pad to maneuver your brawler around the ring, and the touch screen to perform the attacks. Both of these were less than ideal for a wrestling game. The latest entry in the series, Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010, has finally been released, and thankfully it is a big change from the prior two games."

The full review can be read here:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Imagine: Teacher Class Trip

This weeks DS on DS review is on Imagine: Teacher Class Trip.

From the review: "The questions the kids answer are extremely simple, things like matching the heads of animals to their butts. The thing here is that these kids start out STUPID. They seem to get more answers correct as you go along, but at first they get EVERYTHING wrong. This leads to some great scenes when you are grading the tests. You mark their papers zero, and you get a screen of the child crying, and it tells you you did a good job. So, here you are, in the crappiest "vacation" center ever, making kids cry just so you can get first place."

The full review can be read here:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

This week's DS on DS review is on Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.

From the review: "The first portable game in the Kingdom Hearts series, Chain of Memories on the GameBoy Advance, took what everyone loved about Kingdom Hearts and turned it into a game with a card-based battle system. The game itself takes place between the two main PS2 Kingdom Hearts games. The second of the portable Kingdom Hearts games, 358/2 Days, has been released on the Nintendo DS. This game also takes place between the two PS2 games, and it even somewhat crosses over with the Chain of Memories storyline. Thankfully, they ditched the cards, and decided to go with the more traditional Kingdom Hearts combat. "

The full review can be read here:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Best of Flipnote Studio

This week for DS on DS, I took another look at some of the best animations made with Flipnote Studio.

You can see the article here: