Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monster Racers

This week's DS on DS review is for Monster Racers.

From the review: "I'll give you a summary of the first bit of the story, and you can tell me if you notice anything that sounds familiar. I started out as a young boy named Bob. Bob wants to be the best Monster Racer there is. I start the game after travelling to Star Ocean in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is here that I will take the test to earn my racer badge. Before taking the test, I need to first choose my starter from three monsters. Each of the monsters has an attribute that makes them race better in certain elements, and I chose a fire type. After passing the test and getting my badge, I am free to go find more monsters to add to my team. I participate in a bunch of races, and then I see some people complaining about something. It seems there is a gang calling themselves the Astral Force, and they are causing trouble (no word on if said trouble was, in fact, made double). So not only must you compete in the various races for trophies, now you have to deal with these idiots."

The full review can be read here:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dementium II

This week's DS on DS review is on Dementium II.

From the review: "I have a sordid history with horror based video games. On one hand, I love them much like I love horror movies. On the other, when it comes to horror games, I am a big wuss. If I am controlling the character in the game, that character becomes an extension of myself. Therefore, my brain says that this is all much scarier than it should be. Just ask Scott how I was when we used to play Doom 3 together over Xbox Live. The big question here is whether or not the atmosphere of a horror game from a console can be replicated in portable form. The answer is OMGGETTHATTHINGAWAYFROMME!"

The full review can be read here:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This week's DS on DS review is on an oldie but goodie: Nintendogs

From the review: "Shortly after the Nintendo DS was released, Nintendo announced that there was a game coming out called Nintendogs. When I first heard about it, I scoffed at the idea. I mean, who would want a game where you raise fake dogs? Didn't we already go through the virtual pet craze with the Tamagotchi? Then more news started coming out about it. The game was getting featured on X-Play. It was starting to look very appealing to a lot of people. Everyone I knew who had a DS was purchasing this game. Then it was finally released. I think it is fair to say that it lived up to the hype."

The full review can be read here: