Friday, October 15, 2010

Super Scribblenauts

This week's DS on DS review is on Super Scribblenauts

From the review: "Much like in the first game, the idea behind Super Scribblenauts is the freedom of your imagination. In addition to being able to spawn 24,000 nouns, you can now modify them with adjectives. So now, instead of just spawning Cthulu, you can now spawn a gigantic pink friendly Cthulu. That means you can go for a piggy-back ride on a Great Old One. Things can be even crazier than that, like when you spawn a zombie tent that attacks all living creatures and turns them into zombies. Or filling an area with bouncy balls, and then throwing a bouncy taco into the mix. The balls bounce straight up and down, but that taco will cause pure chaos. The physics in the game are very good this time around."

The full review can be read here: